Teacher PD - Training Educators on the Use of Socratic Seminars
Socratic Seminars are an excellent and engaging way to get students thinking critically about a text. Socratic Seminars teach skills such as citing sources, public speaking, respectful dialogue, evaluating arguments, and backing up claims with textual evidence. This strategy can be employed in any content classroom, not just Language Arts. If you want to introduce this teaching strategy to your staff, this is the lesson for you! Included are PD leader instructions, information about Socratic Seminars, group leader roles, a reading teachers should find very engaging, a Socratic Seminar graphic organizer, and more! All learners learn best by doing; teach your staff how to implement the skill through experience, instead of a powerpoint presentation. For more professional development tailored to the individual needs of your district, or a live educational consultant PD, contact jess@invertededucator.com for more information.
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