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Mini Lesson - Real Life Math! Calculating Interest

Mini Lesson - Real Life Math! Calculating Interest


In the ‘Calculating Interest’ Mini Lesson, students are given 3 credit debt scenarios, a minimum payment and an APR. Using Real Life Math Skills, they will figure out the monthly interest rate and how much interest they would pay over the lifetime of the debt if they only made the minimum payment. There is an extension problem that has students calculating stock market returns if those interest payments went into their stock portfolio instead. There are how-to videos and examples set up to assist students. Even so, if your students struggle with Algebra, you may want to walk through the instruction questions with them. This is an excellent Mini Lesson for a Math Class! This product includes the Calculating Interest Instructions, Calculating Interest Mini Lesson Slide Deck, and Calculating Interest Google Sheets. Estimated time to complete: 2-3 class periods.

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